If you want to make your own cards this year and don't know what to make you may be interested in these two holiday card making classes. I'm teaching these classes at Artist and Display in Milwaukee. Please check with the store to sign up.
First one is Sunday December 8th and the main product used here is alcohol inks. Alcohol inks are so easy to use and they dry very fast so these cards will be very quick to make...but they look like they took a lot longer! With a plethora of ink colors available you'll be able to customize the ornament and tree any way you like.
Second class is Saturday Dec 14th and involves heat embossing and rubber stamps (shown below). I'll go over the basics of using embossing powders and the heat gun. The stack of presents card is really fun to color in.
Both of these are short classes (1 hour and 1.5 hours) so they can easily fit in to busy holiday schedules. And a great way to give yourself a break and create something fun.